Several years ago, my aunt and a neighbor exchanged flowers. She was gifted a red rose bush.

Some varieties of roses have a shorter lifespan. They need replacing after a few years.
After the roses shrivel, I carefully clip them off the bush while wearing thick gloves. The branches have sharp thorns. Hands must be protected with thick gloves to avoid injuries.
The roses start blooming in late March. They last about 2 weeks before drying up. I cut them off and water the bush regularly.
The process is repeated in May and June. The bush stops blooming in mid to late July.
After the roses are gone, the bush keeps standing. During long periods of hot weather, I water it along with everything in the garden to keep their roots strong and healthy.
For about six years, I’ve taken care of the flower garden. It is the most therapeutic experience being outside in the fresh air surrounded by flowers. Great way to relieve stress. Stirs up my creativity big time. A good thing!
TIP: Layer dry rose petals in a small bowl without a lid. Use as an air freshener. Place on kitchen or bathroom counter. Scent lasts about 2-1/2 weeks. Discard after use.
Each year when gorgeous roses return, we get compliments from the neighbors. They love their beauty and scent. I appreciate kind words very much.
Your comments and suggestions are welcomed.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Posted for the first time on August 17, 2024.